WordPress Paypal Plugin Widget by NoAd
- czerwiec
Posted By : NoAd
WordPress Paypal Plugin Widget by NoAd

I created a WordPress PayPal plugin for my own site, but i realised that there is some need of that kind of plugin. This plugin adds a widget that display your PayPal.com account total balance you can choose a goal and use tags to display a customisable message on your own site. The code i made in plugin allow me to fast evolve this plugin it have full paypal api support so its only a need to make more variables and connect them to tags.

If you like this plugin feel free to donate to my paypal account, income from this plugin will go to my charity organisation. Donate to: donations@noad.pl

Tags available in “display” field:


percent = ( balance / goal ) * 100%


wordpress paypal plugin widget admin screen

wordpress paypal plugin widget frontend screen









WordPress Paypal Plugin Download:

version 1.0

plugin on codex.wordpress.org 

WordPress Paypal Plugin Changelog:

1.0 First public release


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